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SpanGuard Mesh

Separation means protection in your plant

Your plant can be a dangerous place. When it comes to protection, a yellow line painted on the floor just doesn't cut it.

The SpanGuard Mesh® is designed to separate and define work areas, walkways and other areas that might require drop-off protection.

Excellent visibility

  • Stops up to 5000 lbs. (2273 kg). Consult SpanGuard BLAST Impact Rating Chart for complete weight and speed ratings.
  • 36" (915 mm) curtain height
  • 48" (1220 mm) off floor

  • Minimal deflection
  • Clean, aesthetic appearance

Up to 60' (18300 mm) clear span

  • 30' (9150 mm) and 60' (18300) units
  • Easy to install and relocate
  • Four anchors per post

Flexible design

  • Easy to operate
  • Multiple configurations
  • Allows for easy accessibility

*Consult The Science of Safety white paper for a complete explanation of the information contained within this chart.



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